Monday, December 13, 2010

Big Ten Reveals New Logo

With the addition of a 12th team to the Big Ten College Football Conference, the division decided to add a new design to the group.

Designed by Pentegram Designs, the "I" and "G" are incorporated to look like the number 10.  They decided to leave out the hidden number for the amount of teams as the old logo had.
The old logo worked in the number "11" to show the number of teams in the conference, but the new one decided to go in another direction.

Divided into two conferences, the "Leaders" which includes Ohio State, Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Penn State, and Wisconsin. The "Legends" conference will include Michigan, Iowa, Michigan State, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Northwestern.

I personally loved the look of the old logo and the way they incorporated the "11" into the design but the new one may have its benefits as well.


  1. I don't know much about the colors, but I guess they are more interesting than the other one. I like the new one. Interesting split of the conference too.

  2. I don't think I like anything about the new one. I definitely dislike the colors, although I wonder if they were trying to choose colors that didn't represent any one of their schools in particular. I also really liked the eleven behind the letters. I wish they could have found a way to change it to a 12. I think rather than logo, maybe it's time to rename conferenece.
